Stirrups to Sit-Ups: Beyond the Birth

an app to bridge the gap

Becoming a mom doesn’t mean losing yourself.

Stirrups to Sit-Ups was created by 2 moms and pelvic health physical therapists who have life goals of improving the landscape of postpartum recovery. As research evolves, the evidence indicates the importance of appropriate movement and exercise - particularly in those vulnerable first 6 weeks postpartum. After having children of their own, Rachel and Merci were both frustrated by the lackluster information available to new moms in regards to appropriate training and decided to create the program they wish they had available to them in that season of life. After lots of wishing there was more guidance available, they decided to create it and “bridge the gap” between motherhood and athleticism. S2S was born and now has hopes to help new moms heal the right way without the need to navigate the overwhelming world of internet advice.

How to Download

Our program is offered through an app called “Fitr Client”.

  1. Click this link to go to our Storefront

  2. Click the “Postpartum Recovery” Plan to Purchase

  3. Create a Fitr Account - This Will Allow you to Access the program on Your Phone, Keep Track of Progress, and Contact Us If Needed.

  4. Download the Fitr Client App, and boom you’re on your way to postpartum healing!


  • The app is a monthly subscription - you will only be allowed to see a few days of programming at a time. We do this purposefully to help limit new moms from jumping ahead and skipping the basics! No matter how far postpartum you are, we still want you to start at the beginning. If you’ve been working with a physical therapist and are cleared to jump ahead, please e-mail us and we’ll help you jump to the correct point in the program!

  • We host our program through the Fitr App. Because of this, most of your technical support will come from Fitr themselves! If you need help with anything on the IT end of things, reach out to the Fitr team here!

  • In short, YES! If you have not done any type of dedicated rehab program, starting with the basics is incredibly important. No matter how far postpartum you are, we recommend starting with the basics to build a solid foundation as you improve strength and fitness.

  • This is how it SHOULD BE to start! For too long, we’ve been pushed to return to activity going too far too fast. This is what creates a lot of the problems we end up treating in our clinics. The slow build in this program is evidence-based and takes into account proper healing times and anatomical/physiological considerations. We promise that after those first few weeks of control-based movements, you’ll get to the “fun” stuff - you’ll end your programming with impact-readiness tasks including lunging, jumping, etc. to get you safely back to all the things you love to do!

  • We created this program to “bridge the gap” of those mysterious first 6 weeks where very little exercise guidance exists. That said, you are free to start at “Day 0” - meaning the day you deliver! Day 0 will simply provide some postural information, “how tos” for carrying the car seat, and other tasks that are required of you as you enter motherhood. Each day after that will provide low-equipment, safe movement options to encourage healing, mobility, and controlled strength.

Who We Are

  • Dr. Rachel Selman PT/DPT/CSCS/CPSS

    Rachel graduated with honors from the Georgia Institute of Technology with her bachelors degree in chemistry. She then went on to Mercer University where she earned her doctorate in physical therapy. Since then, she has attended post-graduate training for certification in dry needling through the Spinal Manipulation Institute and achieved the title of certified strength and conditioning coach as well as performance and sport scientist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. She underwent additional training through the Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute to specialize in pelvic health physical therapy and is a clinical running specialist. She is passionate about treating the source of pain rather than chasing the symptoms to ensure long-term results and encourage life-long activity. She has 2 sons who inspire her daily to ensure that athleticism and motherhood are not exclusive so that she can continue to be an active participant in all of their life stages.

  • Dr. Merci Treaster PT/DPT

    Merci obtained her Doctorate of Physical Therapy at Mercer University and a BS in Health Sciences from Georgia State University. Merci began her pelvic floor training at Women First Rehabilitation and has received continuing education with Herman and Wallace Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Institute. In addition to her training in pelvic floor rehabilitation, Merci is also certified in trigger point dry needling. She is a manual based therapist and employs a functional approach to treatment of the whole body. In addition, she is a partner to her patients and is an active participant in their journey. Merci is passionate about the field of pelvic health and strives to incorporate the latest evidence into the treatment of her patients. As a mother to her 4 year-old son, Merci understands how pregnancy and postpartum changes are unaddressed by many health care professionals. She is a part of a team of like-minded practitioners to promote a holistic approach to healing during all phases of womanhood. She is determined to bridge the gap through education so women call feel less anxious through all stages.

  • Stephen Spake, MHA, MBA

    Stephen graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelors in Microbiology and Neurobiology, and enlisted into the United States Army as a Combat Medic. During his decade in the Army, he completed a third Bachelors Degree in Healthcare Administration from Purdue University and a Masters Degree in Healthcare Administration. In his time in the Army, Stephen completed his Master Fitness Trainer certification, his CrossFit Level 1 and 2 Coaches certifications, and his National Association of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coaches certifications. Now out of the Army, Stephen works in Corporate Consulting as well as leads a photography and videography LLC with his wife in Atlanta, GA. He is currently enrolled at the Georgia Institute of Technology for a second Masters Degree in Business Administration. A lifelong athlete, Stephen has run 2 100 mile ultramarathons, 4 50 mile ultramarathons, and 2 Ironman triathlons, and has an extensive background in weightlifting and powerlifting.

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